Program Overview
What we offer
Crossroads School of Chaplaincy is dedicated to offering a standardized and evidence-based CPE training program to chaplains and spiritual care providers. We will prepare you to be a spiritual care provider in healthcare, prisons, military, police, fire, marketplace and religious organizations.​
We run 4 units per year, each unit is 12 weeks long.
Currently there is class once per week for 2.5 - 3 hours.
​Each unit requires 400 hours which include:
Didactic Study and Class time (instructor-led onsite
and/or interactive distance learning)
Clinical (applied learning)
Customized Coaching
Peer-to-Peer Projects and Assessments
Fees: Each unit costs approximately $1,900 plus applicable fees.
Scholarships are available
Summarized course breakdown:
(Subject to Change)
Pastoral Care & Family Systems
Ministering to Residents
Active Listening
Contemporary Social Issues
Cross Cultural Ministries
Introduction to Pastoral Care
Spiritual Formation
Death, Loss & Grief
Spiritual Well-being & Depression
Stages of Grief
Types of Grief & Loss
Complicated Grief & Depression
Boundaries for Effective Ministry
Avoiding Compassion Fatigue
Crisis Counseling, Intervention from a Biblical Perspective
Stress & Trauma
Terminal Issues, Emotional Experiences of the Dying, After Death
When Dying is living, Contradictions and Letting Go
Medical Approach to Prayer & Healing
Prayer as Therapy
Medical Ethics and Advance Directives
Establishing the Chaplain’s office
Slow Me Down Lord
Ministry Partners/“Friend Raining”
Boundaries for Effective Ministry
Avoiding Compassion Fatigue
Crisis Counseling, Intervention from a Biblical Perspective
Stress & Trauma
Terminal Issues, Emotional Experiences of the Dying, After Death
When Dying is living, Contradictions and Letting Go
Medical Approach to Prayer & Healing
Prayer as Therapy
Medical Ethics and Advance Directives
Establishing the Chaplain’s office
Slow Me Down Lord
Ministry Partners/“Friend Raining”
Supporting the Interdisciplinary Team
How to be the Agent of Peace during Chaos
Meaningful Rituals for Staff
The need for Staff Care Part 1 including Emotional Resilience & Staff Well-Being
The need for Staff Care Part 2 including Spiritual Distress & Compassion Satisfaction
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Advance Directives & Planning
Documents including Wills, Power of Attorney, Physician orders etc
Values and Wishes Conversations
Communication the ‘Who” &“What” of Healthcare Values & Wishes
Communication the ‘How” of Healthcare Values & Wishes
Completing Healthcare Advance Directives
HIPAA Compliance
Privacy Rights & HIPAA Myths
How HIPAA Impacts Chaplains
Christian & Sacramental Ministry to the Elderly
Spiritual assessment & Documentation
History of Spiritual Assessment in Chaplaincy
Assessing Assessment Formats
Contemporary Assessment Models Part 1
Contemporary Assessment Models Part 2
Peery’s Approach
Overview of Chaplaincy Documentations
Whole Person Spiritual Care
HIPAA Compliance
Privacy Rights & HIPAA Myths
How HIPAA Impacts Chaplains
Christian & Sacramental Ministry to the Elderly
Spiritual assessment & Documentation
History of Spiritual Assessment in Chaplaincy
Assessing Assessment Formats
Contemporary Assessment Models Part 1
Contemporary Assessment Models Part 2
Peery’s Approach
Overview of Chaplaincy Documentations
Whole Person Spiritual Care